Dennis W. Hudacsko - Zoning & Planning Consulting
Sussex, NJ
Dunedin, FL
ph: 908-229-4873
. . . Expert Witness
. . . Mediation Consultant
. . . Strategic Advisor
Recognized authority on zoning: Planner, writer, and lecturer; a nationally recognized authority on zoning whose accomplishments have been cited by the American Planning Association, the "White House" and the President's Council on Sustainability and Who's Who in the World. Accepted as an expert in numerous board and court proceedings.
Accomplished community planner: Directed programs at Elizabeth, New Jersey, Columbus, Georgia, Albany, New York and Washington, DC. Over 40 years of practical hands-on experience as planner, zoning administrator, project manager, developer and board official in urban, suburban and rural settings. Held appointments to local, regional, state, inter-state and national posts.
Insightful strategist: Regularly sought by property owners, developers, civic groups and municipalities as an advocate for fair and just zoning practices. A well earned reputation for facilitating win-win solutions to land use conflicts.
Diligent and thorough researcher: Boards regularly express their marvel and appreciation for the insights revealed by historic maps, photos, old documents and archived meeting minutes that make zone plan intents relevant to their decisions.
Objective and credible witness: Testimony based on a preliminary assessment of positives and negatives with advice for mitigation which, if accepted by the client and attorney, can be shared through public testimony. Testified persuasively in hundreds of cases providing fact-based opinions and code interpretations.
A reliable professional: Unmatched commitment to meeting the expectations of clients and attorneys. Always timely and attentive.
Copyright 2013 Dennis W. Hudacsko - Zoning & Planning Consulting
All rights reserved.
Dennis W. Hudacsko - Zoning & Planning Consulting
Sussex, NJ
Dunedin, FL
ph: 908-229-4873