Dennis W. Hudacsko - Zoning & Planning Consulting
Sussex, NJ
Dunedin, FL
ph: 908-229-4873
Planning Experience: Before establishing a private practice, Mr. Hudacsko directed the planning and redevelopment activities at Elizabeth, New Jersey for over a decade and later directed master plan efforts for Washington, D.C. and managed facilities planning teams for a number of US Military installations.
Civic Posts: He has held appointments to the NY-NJ Port Authority Airport Master Plan Committee, the North Jersey Water Quality Planning Advisory Committee, the Middlesex County Technical Advisory Committee for Air Quality, the Raritan Basin Watershed Management Plan Technical Advisory Committee and other regional entities. He was the Northeast Regional Representative for the APA Federal Planners Division, was named to the NJPO Board of Planning Counselors, served on a local environmental commission, and three planning boards and a zoning board.
Lecturer: He is a noted advocate of "good government" and "good communities" often speaking before civic groups and public officials. He lectures regularly at training programs for the New Jersey Planning Officials, The American Planning Association, Continuing Legal Education Institute and Rutgers University. He has advocated a number of planning reforms as a member of the land use legislation committees for both the NJAPA and the NJPO and in articles appearing in a variety of lay and professional publications.
Recognition: Mr. Hudacsko has won awards for a variety of zoning innovations and is credited with pioneering community character assessments and regulation. His paper, "Aesthetic Objectivity: A Valid Basis for Visual Impact Assessment", which was presented at the National Planning Conference in Seattle in 1999, established the basis by which aesthetic regulations could meet stringent judicial tests of objectivity. This work has since been cited by professionals and academics around the world.
Client Profile: He currently advises a balanced mix of clients that include citizen groups, small boutique builders and local boards on issues relating to community character and context-sensitive infill design.
Education: Mr. Hudacsko received a professional graduate degree in planning from Rutgers University where he also received an undergraduate degree with honors. He was research assistant to the Chairman of the Urban Studies & Community Development Program. Among his honors were induction into an academic honor society, acceptance by American Mensa and a Mellon Fellowship for advanced studies at Cornell University.
Credentials: Mr. Hudacsko holds certificate #5436 from the American Institute of Certified Planners and received New Jersey Professional Planners license #1619 by examination. He has been accepted as an expert by the courts and numerous boards, governing bodies, and regulatory agencies.
American Planning Association
American Institute of Certified Planners
Copyright 2013 Dennis W. Hudacsko - Zoning & Planning Consulting
All rights reserved.
Dennis W. Hudacsko - Zoning & Planning Consulting
Sussex, NJ
Dunedin, FL
ph: 908-229-4873