Dennis W. Hudacsko - Zoning & Planning Consulting
Sussex, NJ
Dunedin, FL
ph: 908-229-4873
Project Planning & Operations Profile: Mr. Hudacsko’s redevelopment expertise was acquired through participation in the planning and administration of more than 40 completed redevelopment projects. He has conducted blight studies, formulated redevelopment plans, supervised property acquisition and disposition activities, administered relocation programs, and managed projects for reconstruction of public and private facilities. He has aided in the creation of redevelopment agencies and economic development corporations, prepared applications for state and federal grants, and assembled financial assistance packages. He regularly serves as a consultant to communities, developers and objectors.
Noteworthy Projects Directed by Mr. Hudacsko:
Southwest Columbus Redevelopment Plan, Columbus, GA: 300 plus acres focused on reuse of former textile mills, development of convention center and waterfront, historic preservation area, downtown revitalization, transit development and hydro-electric power generation.
Arsenal Redevelopment Master Plan, Watervliet, NY: $½ million contract with US Army Corp of Engineers to redevelop excess property into a civilian industrial park for rail freight operations, 90-day mobilization plan for artillery manufacture expansion and public access to Stephen Vincent Benet Historic Site.
Metro Stop Area Redevelopment Plans, Washington D.C.: commercial development; housing and community facilities enhancements for multiple locations along the Metro routes.
Jersey Meadows Redevelopment Plan, Elizabeth, NJ: One of the first successful brown-fields redevelopment projects, included environmental remediation, land fill closure, massive highway infrastructure, retail and office development. Recognized nationally as "Outstanding Program" by Renew America and The President’s Council On Environmental Sustainability.
He has also participated in many smaller redevelopment projects for New Jersey - a state at the forefront of sophisticated redevelopment planning:
Copyright 2013 Dennis W. Hudacsko - Zoning & Planning Consulting
All rights reserved.
Dennis W. Hudacsko - Zoning & Planning Consulting
Sussex, NJ
Dunedin, FL
ph: 908-229-4873